What is streaming and what is the price of streaming?
What factors affect the price of streaming?
Streaming prices can vary significantly depending on the size and complexity of the project. The price is influenced by factors such as staff resources, streaming equipment and streaming software. Here we explain what makes up the price of streaming.
Pre-production costs
Pre-production includes all the planning and preparation before the actual streaming.
This can include preparing transitions, remote speakers, presentations and other elements.
A well-planned pre-production reduces the time pressure on the shoot day and improves the quality of the final product.
The scope and cost of pre-production will vary depending on the complexity of the project.
Production costs
The production phase is where the actual streaming takes place. The simplest streaming can be done remotely, but a higher quality production often requires a studio, streaming cameras and a crew. Fluxmedia typically uses teams of 2-4 people, including a director, sound editor, media operator and camera operator. Streaming equipment, such as robotic cameras and professional lighting, are essential to the success of a quality production. The equipment used for streaming is always chosen according to the needs of the production.

Other costs and pricing transparency
Other costs may include fees for the streaming platform, licences for technical implementation and transport costs.
Post-production costs, such as editing of recordings, can also add to the costs.
At Fluxmedia, our pricing is transparent and based on both staff and equipment costs.
For example, streaming to YouTube can be cost-effectively done with a team of two.
When asking for quotes for streaming from different suppliers, don’t just look at the bottom line of the quote, but look at what you actually get for the money you pay.
At Fluxmedia, we open up our pricing in terms of both staff and equipment costs and always offer our clients cost-effective implementation models.
Fluxmedia – täyden palvelun videotuotantoyhtiö
Etsitkö luotettavaa kumppania videotuotantoihin? Fluxmedia on valmiina auttamaan. Ota yhteyttä ja kerro projektistasi – suunnitellaan yhdessä paras mahdollinen ratkaisu.