Register and Privacy Policy

This is the register and privacy policy of Fluxmedia Oy (Business ID: 2953706-3) in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Last modified on 9.8.2024.


Fluxmedia Oy
Metsäpurontie 29 C,
00630 Helsinki

Contact person responsible for the register

Ilkka Kujala

Name of the register

Fluxmedia Oy’s stakeholder, customer and marketing register

Purpose and legal basis for processing personal data

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, based on the customer relationship, stakeholder relationship and marketing.
Personal data is processed for the purposes of contact, customer relationship management and marketing.
The data will not be used for automated decision-making or profiling.

Data content of the register

The following information may be recorded in the register:

  • Name of person
  • Position
  • Company/organisation
  • Contact information (phone number, email, address)
  • Information on services ordered and changes to them
  • Billing information
  • Other information related to the customer relationship and the services ordered

The IP addresses of visitors to the website and cookies necessary for the operation of the service are processed for legitimate interests such as ensuring data security and collecting statistical data on visitors.
Where necessary, separate consent is sought for third party cookies.

Regular sources of information

Personal data is collected from the customer himself/herself, for example, through web forms, email, telephone, social media services, contracts, customer meetings or other situations where the customer discloses his/her data.
Information about contacts of companies and other organisations may also be collected from public sources such as websites, directory services and other companies.

Disclosures and transfers of data

Data is not regularly disclosed to third parties.
However, data may be disclosed or transferred if it is necessary to provide a contractual service or if required by law.
Data may only be transferred outside the EU or EEA if agreed with the customer or stakeholder.
Data will not be transferred to the United States without the express consent of the data subjects.

Principles for the protection of the register

Personal data is handled with care and protected by appropriate technical and organisational means.
Where data is stored on Internet servers, the physical and digital security of the hardware is ensured.
Only designated Fluxmedia Ltd employees are authorised to process the data, and access to the data is protected by personal identifiers.

Rights of the data subject

The data subject has the right to:

  • Get access to your personal data
  • Ask for incorrect information to be corrected
  • Ask for their data to be deleted (“right to be forgotten”)
  • Restrict the processing of your data
  • Object to the processing of your data
  • Get your data transferred from one system to another

Requests should be sent in writing to the controller.
The controller may ask the applicant to prove his or her identity.
The controller will respond to requests within the time limits laid down in the EU Data Protection Regulation, as a general rule within one month.

Right to complain

The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if he or she considers that the processing of personal data infringes the applicable data protection legislation.